Sunday, March 1, 2009

I'm still here

Day -12 Health Score 82

Today only 0.5 million cells were collected. So we go again tomorrow. They would like at least 3 million stem cells. Who am I to disagree. I think I may make fewer cells since I am simultaneously on immuno-suppressants and bone marrow stimulants. Hopefully I will return home tomorrow.



Am I a good person? said...


Craig and I were wondering how you were doing and wondering if you were home yet. You and Barbie are constantly in our thoughts. We love you. Let us know how we can help your family. Love you, Dana

Emma and Dan said...

I hope they got 2 million today (Monday) and that you are already at home by the time you read this. If not, well - Tuesday will be the day, right? You guys are (as always) in our thoughts and prayers.