This is not the way I remember it |
How long is a moment? Fifteen seconds? Fifteen minutes? How long is a memory? Forever? I looked out the window to see the sun reflecting off the brilliant green moss on a tree in the backyard. The hills, looking toward the Sierras, were golden as the storm clouds finally broke. I thought, "I will capture this moment with a camera and make it permanent." I walked 20 feet, affixed a lens and back to the door. Maybe 45 seconds had passed and now the tree looked gray as the clouds had again shifted. Somehow I delude myself in thinking a memory is something solid or fixed, or that a moment can be held unchanged with a photo or a video. Yesterday, while sorting through pictures from the last year, I happened on to a photo that I got from my mom's camera. The image showed me in a hospital bed with my brother, Daren, and my sister Leslie standing near the head of the bed wearing full gown and mask. I was shocked to see myself. The picture was taken while I was in septic shock after the bone marrow transplant. My kidneys were not yet working, so that the 5 liters of fluid they used to resuscitate me were still visible in my face. My left eye was bloody from a vessel I burst while vomiting. I attempted a smile, but was quite unconvincing. I looked at the photo and realized that I didn't remember looking like this. Not so much the physical appearance, more so the fatigue I now saw in my countenance. Somehow, my memory had softened the experience as I originally saw it. I realized that memories can subtly shift as do the hues reflected off the moss covered bark. The tree doesn't change; just the way we see it.

A moment is not defined by time, rather what an experience feels like in the immediate.We grab urgently at dandelions already on the wind exclaiming, "This moment is so precious, I must hold onto to it forever," as I frantically adjust the focus and see it through a viewfinder only to find that the feeling has already passed.
Last night, Caitlin performed with a group that did a Christmas show with dancing and singing. I had no idea that she could dance so well. However, my early Christmas present came on the final number as she stepped forward to sing the solo on "Sing Noel." Her voice was angelic. I didn't even know she had a solo. I sat overcome with emotion as the moment washed over me. I am sure that someone videotaped it and I could watch it again. I know I would enjoy that. But I could never recapture that moment of surprise and wonder; it was enough.
The last year has been wonderful, yet relatively normal with regard to my health. I find myself more and more occupied with the responsibilities at work which consequently occupy more of my thoughts. I actively must remind myself to 'find the beauty in every day'. The memory of what it
felt like two years may be changing. But how can I really know that since memory is all we have and it is not static. What I do know is that there are more surprises and wonders that lay before us. New moments and new memories. We must never cease to be amazed. Pause; savor the feeling.