Kevin is healing well. He is walking - while holding my hand. He's a bit unsteady, but moving none the less. He's eating solids and things inside are moving, if you know what I mean! Kevin feels great and is itching to get to a computer to write a blog. I know he has been composing a number of them as he has been lying in bed.
We remain stunned to think that for a moment he didn't have a heart and now he is alive because of someone elses. At this point we don't know much about the donor. Kevin can write a letter to the family and if they choose, they can respond. What an amazing creation God made that our bodies can accept an organ from another human being and the advances in medicine that allow it to be done. We've seen many miracles in this journey.
The plan as of now is that he could be discharged tomorrow or Monday. Heart transplant patients are only discharged Mon-Thur so that they can go directly to Santa Clara Kaiser for biopsies and tests right after discharge. Kevin and I will live in a hotel near the hospital for one month and then he can go home and recover for 2 more months. These last 2 months of recovery he will visit Santa Clara often for more biopsies and such, but can live at home. That means Rebecca's wedding should very well be attended by her dad! The amyloidosis will be addressed some time close to the end of recovery.
We again are grateful and overwhelmed by this entire experience AND are much better together.
1 comment:
Dear Kevin and Barbie,
That is wonderful news. I know everyone has waited breathlessly for the news Kevin is doing well. I wish him a speedy recovery. I have a meeting with Dr. Weisshaar tomorrow in Santa Clara and will give the Amyloidosis ribbon pins to Janet. I hope she can pass them on to you and your family. I gave one to Kevin the day I met him and everyone I know has worn them since. We will all pray for Kevin, but I know now God is watching over him. He's a good person and has alot left to do here. Hope to meet you someday Barbie. God bless you and your family.
Debbie Douglas
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