Day -20 Health Score 86
Today I met with Dr Arai one final time before starting stem cell stimulation. This was to review all of the results from the re-staging process. Everything looks fine, so we will proceed on Monday. I also saw a specialist from infectious disease who will assist in the effort to avoid or treat infections. They take everything seriously. I mentioned the mild congestion that I have, which is common this time of year which then led to a nasal swab to rule out a viral upper respiratory infection. I am not complaining. I fully support their vigilance. The 300 mile drive (round trip), however, is wearing me out. Time for bed.
1 comment:
Dear Kevin,
I will be praying for you to have a smooth ride on this BMT roller coaster, with the ups high and the downs not so much.
Having been thru the BMT with my darling Ed, I am thankful for the amazing modern medical miracles that got him thru it successfully and fairly smoothly.
However, I am aware that you have already been thru a lot more, and your body has used up some of its resiliency. All your medical team, family, loved ones and the Love of God are pulling for you.
love, your favorite Aunt Renie
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