Sometimes health updates, albeit not very absorbing reading, can be helpful to some who just might experience the same outcome from a specific treatment. I imagine the number of people in the world that have primary amyloidosis, then a heart transplant, then a bone marrow transplant and then Revlimid are very few. However, that is the major impetus for me to write. Where else can they find this information?
One of the side effects of Revlimid is that it can decrease your white blood cell count and your platelets. Paradoxically, it actually raises my red cell count. My white cell count on Monday was 0.8 K or 800 cells; that is really low (Normal 3.4 K to 11.8K) My percentage neutrophils dropped to 49% so my total neutrophil count is now 400. During my bone marrow transplant they wouldn't let me leave my room even with a mask until I was above 500. I went to work the last two days. I did, however, every once in a while where a paper mask and I washed my hands frequently. Even before this drop I was quite concerned with swine flu. I still am. Ironically, concurrently with this severe immunosuppression I caught a cold. My oncologist, Dr Sardar added Zithromax, a potent antibiotic, to my antiviral medications. I am well covered.
Last week in San Diego, if I were to have given myself a health score I would have been 94 on Tuesday morning (even with a broken rib) and then dropped to 62 for 45 minute on Tuesday afternoon. By Wednesday because of steroids and being at Disneyland on my birthday, I was back up to 91. I haven't been this high in two years. It may seem like a roller-coaster ride and it was; Space Mountain, Splash Mountain, Thunder Mountain, California Screamin' and Indiana Jones. I had my ups and downs and loved every one of them.
Dr, thank you for explaining things. It's not boring at all. The yo-yo days make it interesting, no? I'm so glad you're doing well and on top of your game. You're a blessing to the rest of us.
It's very interesting to read all the medical terms you give, and all the details. I am so happy that you are doing well and that you all had a great vacation... a well deserved vacation! :)
- April
Hi Kevin, I'm so sorry you broke your rib. You have to be careful, Doctor. About your white cell count. Can't they give you Neopgren shots to raise your white cell count like we did during the stem cell transplant. Be careful around other people you don't want to get pneuomia. My lambha count went from 215 to 211 after one month of Decadron and Velcade. Wow, Kevin its like chipping through cement. He was not concern and said we have to wait for the next 3 courses and then decide what is next. I have my annual on the 29th and 30th of Sept and hopefully that goes well. I miss you and I hope you start feeling better soon. Tell Barbie Hi. Oh did you see I'm going to be a grandma. I'm so excited and that was a moment that took my breath away. I look forward to many more moments like that. Take care. Love, Debbie
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